ROF 3GHz/6GHz mikrobølgeovn optisk transceiver -modul RF over fiberlink analog fotoelektrisk modtager
ROF-PR-3G/6G series The analog photoelectric receiver has a wide band and flat photoelectric response characteristics from 300Hz to 3GH or 10K to 6GHz, and a high photoelectric conversion gain, which is a very cost-effective photoelectric receiver. Det er meget velegnet til anvendelse i optisk pulssignaldetektion, ultra-bredbåndsanalogt optisk signal, der modtager og andre systemfelter.
ROF Optical Modulator 1064Nm Lav VPI -fasemodulator Electro Optic Modulator
ROF-PM-UV-serie Low-VPI-fasemodulator(2V)
ROF Electro Optical Modulator Bølgelængde 1064Nm Intensitet Modulator 10GHz
Optisk intensitetsmodulator
ROF Semiconductor Laser Modulator L-Band/C-Band Tunable Laser Light Source
ROF-TLS tunable laser light source, the use of high-performance DFB laser, wavelength tuning range >34nm, fixed wavelength interval (1GHz50 GHz100GHz) tunable laser light source, its wavelength internal locking function can ensure that the output light wavelength or frequency on the ITU grid of DWDM channel. Det har egenskaberne ved optisk kraft med høj output (20MW), smal linjebredde, høj bølgelængde nøjagtighed og god effektstabilitet. It can realize remote control of instruments, mainly used in WDM device testing, optical fiber sensing, PMD and PDL measurement, and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
ROF Optisk fiberfølsom DFB-laser C-bånd/L-bånd Tunbar laserlyskilde
ROF-TLS tunable laser light source, the use of high-performance DFB laser, wavelength tuning range >34nm, fixed wavelength interval (1GHz50 GHz100GHz) tunable laser light source, its wavelength internal locking function can ensure that the output light wavelength or frequency on the ITU grid of DWDM channel. Det har egenskaberne ved optisk kraft med høj output (20MW), smal linjebredde, høj bølgelængde nøjagtighed og god effektstabilitet. It can realize remote control of instruments, mainly used in WDM device testing, optical fiber sensing, PMD and PDL measurement, and optical coherence tomography (OCT).